The Most Important Marketing Question

The Most Important Marketing Question

One of the most common questions I get as a teacher and consultant is, “Where should I advertise?” It’s an important question, but it’s not the first question we should be asking. Too often businesses, try to find success by testing short-term advertising tactics. For...
What is Your Destination?

What is Your Destination?

Far more than platitudes or a motivational poster, your vision, mission, and values are the foundation of your brand. By putting these words on paper, sharing them, and living up to the standards you set, you will better focus your business, unify your team, and...
Cicada Survival Kit

Cicada Survival Kit

Very soon, the first cicada will emerge from the ground like a tiny alien invader. It will be followed by hundreds, millions, or even billions of its brethren. This invasion will lead to a cacophony of cicada mating calls, and love will be in the air. For a bit of...
Gear Up Your Safety Swag!

Gear Up Your Safety Swag!

New advancements in the field of worker safety are being made! With the latest advancements, there’s never been a better time to upgrade your safety swag. 1. High-Visibility Fabrics: Innovations in fabric technology have led to the development of high-visibility...